How do we DISTILL core beliefs?
The preceding section we reviewed ways to learn and think. We simultaneously gained insight into HOW societies instill core beliefs mainly through repetition. In this current section we'll 1) dissect the tree from our analogy into it's main parts, 2) compare them to an equivalent societal counterpart, and 3) see the role each part plays in constantly repeating a society's core beliefs. All this puts us in position to DISTILL core beliefs, to uncover and confront them
The preceding section we reviewed ways to learn and think. We simultaneously gained insight into HOW societies instill core beliefs mainly through repetition. In this current section we'll 1) dissect the tree from our analogy into it's main parts, 2) compare them to an equivalent societal counterpart, and 3) see the role each part plays in constantly repeating a society's core beliefs. All this puts us in position to DISTILL core beliefs, to uncover and confront them
Core beliefs are principal principles, propositions, ideas, etc, accepted as true; an opinion; a conviction;
the very essence of how one sees the past, present, and future, the world, other beings, and themselves.
the very essence of how one sees the past, present, and future, the world, other beings, and themselves.
- principal principle: the first or main fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning
- accepted as true: not necessarily true, but generally believed or recognized to be valid or correct.
- very essence of how one sees: the fundamental nature, the central vision, or mental image of what the future will or could be like. Which in turn influences actions, thereby influencing outcomes.
Core beliefs are the very essence of how an organization of individuals, subject to the same principle authority, sees the past, present, and future. The principal principles of a society are shared systematically, automatically.
The contents contained within may cause you to re+create your core ideas and beliefs.
0) The First Re+Setting: Converting to Terrestrial Time
1) The First Re+Vision: EarthFAb+Origin+AllUnion
2) The First Re+Creation: World Freedom
3) The First Re+All+Eyesing: Ab+Origin+All+Eyes
4) The First Re+Generation: The Last Lock
5) The First Re+Surgence: The Last Lock+Smith
6) The First Re+Declaration: The Last Lock Unlocked
1) The First Re+Vision: EarthFAb+Origin+AllUnion
2) The First Re+Creation: World Freedom
3) The First Re+All+Eyesing: Ab+Origin+All+Eyes
4) The First Re+Generation: The Last Lock
5) The First Re+Surgence: The Last Lock+Smith
6) The First Re+Declaration: The Last Lock Unlocked
Tree: What core beliefs were instilled?
Name, Purpose, and Protocol
1) a woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches at some distance from the ground
3) a diagram with a structure of branching connecting lines, representing different processes and relationships Tree represents society as a whole. Both are systems subject to universal systems (physics, geology, ecology, etc), both are living systems growing, evolving, protecting, and perpetuating themselves, both can survive in many different places if the proper conditions exist, and both have different parts playing different roles all dependent on each other to survive and thrive. We're fairly certain the seed and the roots are absolutely crucial to a tree's survival. We wondered if every society has an equivalent, crucial component. Our proposition is that core beliefs are such a component. Core beliefs are to thought and action, what DNA is to a physical body. |
Seeds: What core beliefs were most extensive?
Identity, Destiny, Determination:
1) a flowering plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another plant; 2) the cause or latent beginning of a feeling, process, or condition
Seeds represent a society's DNA or core beliefs. The essential programming present in every cell of a living organism, we're equating to the essential programming present in every member of a society. This is a society's: WHO WE ARE. |
Roots: What core beliefs were most prevalent?
Assumptions, Agendas, Appeal
1) the persistent underground part of a plant that attaches to the ground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant 2) the basic cause, source, or origin of something
Roots represent core beliefs taking hold, the thought process that gathers evidence and/or creates the most prevalent narratives. Roots sprout directly from seeds. Where the seeds represent a society's who we are, the roots represent a society's, WHY we are who we are. |
Trunk: What core beliefs were most influential?
Means, methods, & manners
growing from the roots, the main stem of a tree from which branches arise
The trunk represents the environment of a society, both the physical and social environment. Landscape and geography, WHERE we live. Population, physiology, and ecology, WHO/WHAT lives where we live. |
Branches: What core beliefs were most widespread?
Life forms, Lifestyles, and Livelihoods
a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk or bough; a lateral extension or subdivision extending from the main part of something; a conceptual subdivision of something
Branches represent the ways core beliefs are acted out. Where the trunk represented the environment, the branches represent what we're doing in that environment. What are the main roles, habits, and activities? |
Leaves: What core beliefs were most enduring?
Language, Custom, Ideal
the main organ for energy transformation
Leaves represent communication in all it's aspects, this includes body language, vocabulary, sentence structure. It not only represents WHAT is said and HOW it is said, but also what is received and how it is received. This applies to all levels of communication, dialogues, monologues, and inner dialogues. |
Fruit: What core beliefs were most believed?
Architecture, Art, Achievement:
the seed-bearing structure of a plant
The fruit represents the idols and ideals. Who's celebrated, what's celebrated, who's idolized, and what's idealized. These models held up as the standard will influence who the member's of a society aspire to be. What core beliefs were most beloved? |
ContextWHERE do core beliefs exist?
WHERE does society exist? |