An intimate connection lives between words and worlds. Words convey and conjure a complex of ideas, thoughts, and images in our minds.
Our words, especially the words we revere, reveal our inner worlds, they reveal the inhabitants of our imagine+nation, they reveal ourselves. Given enough time, our words create the outer worlds we inhabit. So we wondered, if we re+create our words, can we re+create the worlds? On+Writing
Words once spoken, more often than not, quickly fade and are forgotten. Words, once written, can exist indefinitely.
Spoken words are mostly only heard by those within earshot. Written words have the potential to be read by those beyond a particular time and space. There you are now, reading words of one in another dimension! Writing is simultaneously the greatest and most appreciated technology created by being+sapiens. Writing gives otherwise fleeting thoughts enduring form. And a thought, given form, can more easily and readily be re+formed! So we wondered, if we re+wrote the scripts we inherited, would we re+create the inhabitants of our imagine+nation? |